Location: Motel, De Sade Manor, Sleepy Castle (partially)

Age: claims to be 17 (beyond the perception of time)

Favorite inventory items: fortune ball, buttons, playing cards, forks, clown/commedia dell'arte stuff, armor

Favorite number: 8

Favorite actions: build houses of cards, read books to someone, decide actions with a fortune ball/coin flip, put on a play with the Servants

Favorite phrase: vi veri universum vivus vici

Markings: mold spots on the face, yellow eyeballs, brown eyes (unconfirmed), skin has the glow of a rubber doll, hair feels like kanekalon, wears crocodile skin shoes, wears gloves (has severe burns on his hands. He doesn't want to spoil anyone's appetite)

Zodiac: scorpio

Consciousness Type: jack of spades

Object class type: SUBHUMAN

Actually, thoughtful and responsible